Leadership Development

Our comprehensive Leadership Development service is designed to unlock the full potential of high-achieving leaders. With a suite of tailored Leadership Assessments, personalized Executive Coaching, and dedicated Mentoring and Training programs, we are committed to nurturing and accelerating the growth of exceptional leadership talent for future success.

Lighthouse as a metaphor for leadership assessments lighting the path for leaders to grow and develop.

Leadership Assessments

Foster dynamic and effective leadership in your organization through our comprehensive leadership assessments, covering: leadership maturity, personality, organizational culture, and assessments for leadership teams.

A wooden path extending through the grasslands as a metaphor for the guidance provided with executive coaching.

Executive Coaching

One-on-one coaching for leaders focused on executive presence, career advancement, making an impact and supporting transitions for newly promoted leaders.

A mountain climber as a metaphor for developing the potential in your leaders.

High-Potential Leadership Development Training

Reward and retain high-potential employees. Our 6-month HI-PO development program is focused on readiness for future leadership opportunities and includes a 360 feedback report, leadership kickstart training, one-on-one coaching and a business impact project.

Leadership Assessments

  • The Leadership Journey to Wisdom describing the stages of adult maturity through vertical development using the Leadership Maturity Framework (LMF) by Vertical Development Academy.

    Leadership Maturity

    The ability to acknowledge and embrace different perspectives is the hallmark of great leaders. Gain insight into your current mode of meaning-making and discover opportunities for further growth and development through the most robust leadership assessment available today. Following the assessment, you’ll receive a report tailored to you and a debrief with one of our Certified Leadership Maturity Coaches.

  • Who Are You written in Scrabble tiles as the header image to the Personality Assessments services offered by Superheroes Academy


    Understand different aspects of your personality, behavioral styles, and preferences to enhance self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.

    We leverage industry leading assessments, including: Leadership Agility Accelerator, DISC, and the Enneagram.

  • Colourful geometric shapes on a black background as a metaphor for all of the moving parts in an organization.

    Organizational / Cultural

    Our holistic, value-driven, and non-prescriptive approach towards assessing organizations emphasizes the importance of improving at all levels of an organization, starting from the fundamentals and progressing upwards. Foster cultural alignment, enhance team dynamics, and optimize organizational structure and business agility.

  • A team climbing a mountain together as a metaphor of the heights a high-performing team can reach when they've invested sufficiently in their growth as a team.

    Leadership Team

    High-performing leadership teams don’t just happen, they evolve through intentional investment in their collective growth. Our unique approach compiles and analyzes assessments from individual leaders, crafting a customized development plan tailored to the collective strengths and areas for growth of your entire leadership team.

Executive Coaching

Our coaches bring their experience leading teams and organizations into every engagement. We understand the unique pressures leaders face. This isn’t “coaching in theory”. We’ve been there and done that.

Executive Coaching from Superheroes Academy is as unique as the leaders we’re working with. We tailor our approach to each leader’s growth goals while aligning to the organization’s objectives. Sessions focus on leadership skills, self-awareness, performance improvement, and career development. Our coaches are among the most highly-credentialed leadership coaches in the world, providing guidance, feedback, and challenges to leaders to foster personal growth and enhance organizational effectiveness.

Certifications Our Coaches Hold

  • Vertical Development Academy Logo - the organization that our Leadership Maturity Coaches are certified through.

    Certified Leadership Maturity Coach™

  • CRR Global's Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching certifications logos.

    Organization and Relationship Systems Coach

  • The International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach Logo.

    International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach

  • The ChangeWise logo where the Leadership Agility Accelerator Assessment comes from.

    Leadership Agility Accelerator

  • Certified Team Coach logo from Scrum Alliance

    Certified Team Coach℠

  • Certified Enterprise Coach logo from Scrum Alliance

    Certified Enterprise Coach℠

High-Potential Leadership Development Program

Our High-Potential Leadership Development Program is a comprehensive coaching engagement, tailored to the unique context and needs of your aspiring leaders. Spanning a period of three to six months our program is meticulously designed to enhance preparedness for new and upcoming career opportunities. We align our approach to this program with the organization's Talent Management Process to ensure a cohesive and strategic approach to professional development.

  • 1. Sponsor Alignment

    The first step in our program involves a conversation with the leader and their direct supervisor to align on the goals of the program. This is critical to ensure everyone’s working towards the same end. We design this alignment such that it allows for flexibility for the leader within the context of the organization’s goals.

  • 2. Leadership Assessment

    Understanding where you are now is crucial for knowing where to go next. We help leaders understand the results of their chosen assessment and explore how they might take action on what they’re learning about themselves.

  • 3. Leadership Skills Training

    One-on-one or small group sessions focused on skills that leaders in the program have yet to fully develop. We deliver workshops from time management to goal setting to living your values and coaching team members.

  • 4. Leader's Agenda Coaching

    A series of coaching sessions with the leader based on their agenda and what they want to work on during the program. There are often areas identified in their assessment, goals co-created with their leader, and 360 degree feedback that the leader may choose to explore with their coach.

  • 5. Business Impact Project

    The program culminates in a business impact project, where each leader involved in the program chooses a project that will further the organization’s interests while allowing the leader to practice the new leadership skills they are learning during the program.

Our Approach to Leadership Development.

An image depicting growth through the levels of vertical development. On the right is text that contrasts vertical development to horizontal development.
  • Vertical development is different from “horizontal” growth. Horizontal growth is defined as acquiring experience and knowledge, as well as new skills and competencies. While important, horizontal growth does not lead to new ways of interpreting oneself and the world, or transform one’s ability to take new perspectives. Vertical development fosters the growth of new perspectives and a greater ability to handle challenging dilemmas. In today’s increasingly complex work and life contexts, vertical development is essential - and the good news is how an individual grows through these stages of maturity can be measured. Evidence gathered through research over the last four decades shows that vertical development can be traced as a logical sequence of eight stages of increasing maturity. Our approach tailors coaching to the unique stage of development of each leader, creating the conditions for growth towards what is next in each leader’s developmental journey.

  • In today’s increasingly complex work and life contexts, vertical development is essential… Our approach tailors coaching to the unique stage of vertical development of each leader, creating the conditions for growth towards what is next in each leader’s developmental journey. Our coaches are Certified Leadership Maturity Coaches and specialize in illuminating growth opportunities for vertical development.

  • The MAP consists of a sentence completion test that is scientifically backed with over four decades of research followed by an initial debrief with a Certified Leadership Maturity Coach.

    Progress on your leadership development journey with six follow-on coaching sessions with our coaches.

Book an appointment.

Begin by scheduling a call with us to discuss your specific needs and objectives.